
This file axiomatizes the needed definitions and properties of the Lebesgue integral. It ignores all issues of measurability, but otherwise attempts to only axiomatize well-known results in analysis and measure theory.

Require Import utils.
Require Import entropy.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relations.


Using bool instead of Prop for the definition of an event is a little unusual, but allows us to define an indicator function that produces real numbers (which are in the Set universe). It's very possible there are other solutions to this problem, such as using excluded_middle_informative.
Definition Event X := X -> bool.
Definition Meas A := (Event A -> R+).

ifte is a function version of "if then else" which allows tactics like f_equal can deal with it more easily.
Definition ifte {X} (a : bool) (b c : X) := if a then b else c.
Definition indicator {X} (b : Event X) : X -> R+ := fun x => ifte (b x) 1 0.

Definition full_event {X} : Event X := const true.

Definition bool_of_dec {X Y} : sumbool X Y -> bool :=
  fun xy => if xy then true else false.

Axioms of integration

Assume that integration exists for all (non-negative) functions.
Axiom integration : forall {A}, (A -> R+) -> Meas A -> R+.

Assume the general form of linearity for integration.
Axiom integration_linear :
  forall {A} (μ : Meas A) (s0 s1 : R+) (f0 f1 : A -> R+),
    s0 * integration f0 μ + s1 * integration f1 μ =
    integration (fun x => s0 * f0 x + s1 * f1 x) μ.

In order to do any useful integration, we will need to axiomatize several measures involving real numbers.
Assume that Entropy has a probability measure on it
Assume the Lebesgue measure restricted to non-negative reals. Throw in ∞ too, but it's just one point so it has no mass.
Assume lebesgue(0, r) = r
Axiom lebesgue_pos_measure_interval :
  forall (r : R+),
    lebesgue_pos_measure (fun x => bool_of_dec (ennr_gt_dec r x)) = r.

Assume that Lebesgue integration can be expressed as a Riemann integral of the "layer cake" function. (Leib and Loss, 1997).
Despite the promise in the name to relate Lebesgue and Riemann integrals, it is phrased here as a relation just between Lebesgue and Lebesgue. Since the Lebesuge integral is defined strictly more often than and always agrees with the Riemann integral, this is still a valid assumption.
This assumption turns out to be very useful for proving equalities of integrals between measure-isomorphic domains. It also can provide a way to deal with integration by non-axiomatized measures, e.g. pushfowards.
Axiom riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration :
  forall {A} μ (f : A -> R+),
    integration f μ =
      (fun t => μ (fun x => bool_of_dec (ennr_gt_dec (f x) t)))

This assumption is usually presented as the first step in the definition of the Lebesgue integral.
Axiom integration_of_indicator :
  forall {A} (μ : Meas A) (f : Event A),
    integration (indicator f) μ = μ f.

(Lemma 5 in paper) This axiom states that entropy can be split into 2 IID entropies.
Axiom integration_πL_πR : forall (g : Entropy -> Entropy -> R+),
    integration (fun σ => g (πL σ) (πR σ)) μEntropy =
    integration (fun σL => integration (fun σR => g σL σR) μEntropy) μEntropy.

Define convenient, Haskelly syntax for working with markov kernels as a monad in the spirit of Giry (1980) and Panangaden (1999). For lack of a better name, let's call the SRel+ because we're removing the subprobability restriction from SRel.
Definition meas_bind {A B} (μ : Meas A) (f : A -> Meas B) : Meas B :=
  fun ev => integration (fun a => f a ev) μ.
Infix ">>=" := meas_bind (at level 20).

This is the associativity law for SRel+. Panangaden proved this for subprobabilities, but his proof makes no use of that restriction, and is therefore just as good of a proof in this instance.
Axiom meas_bind_assoc : forall {A B C} (μ : Meas A) (f : A -> Meas B) (g : B -> Meas C),
  (μ >>= f) >>= g = μ >>= (fun x => f x >>= g).

An actual definition of σ-finite here would be more challenging than rewarding, so we instead simply construct a short whitelist of measures that are known to be sigma finite and are safe to apply Tonelli's theorem to.
We axiomitize Tonelli's theorem for all combinations of the two measures listed above.
Axiom tonelli_sigma_finite :
  forall {A B} (f : A -> B -> R+) (μx : Meas A) (μy : Meas B),
    KnownToBeSigmaFinite μx ->
    KnownToBeSigmaFinite μy ->
    integration (fun x => integration (fun y => f x y) μy) μx =
    integration (fun y => integration (fun x => f x y) μx) μy.

Consequences of the axioms

Measure combinators

Definition empty_meas A : Meas A := fun a => 0.
Arguments empty_meas _ _ /.

Definition dirac {A} (v : A) : Meas A :=
  fun e => indicator e v.
Arguments dirac {_} _ _ /.

Definition preimage {A B C} (f : A -> B) : (B -> C) -> (A -> C) :=
  fun eb a => eb (f a).
Arguments preimage {_ _ _} _ _ _ /.

Definition pushforward {A B} (μ : Meas A) (f : A -> B) : Meas B :=
  μ preimage f.

two different ways to convert emptiness in an option to emptiness in a measure.
Definition option_meas {A} ( : option (Meas A)) : Meas A :=
  fromOption (empty_meas _) .

Definition meas_option {A} (μo : Meas (option A)) : Meas A :=
  fun ev => μo (fun oa =>
                  match oa with
                  | Some x => ev x
                  | _ => false

Two ways to reweight a Meas A. unif_score_meas reweights the entire measure by a constant. score_meas reweights dependent on each element in A.
Definition score_meas {X} (w : X -> R+) (μ : Meas X) : Meas X :=
  μ >>= (fun x A => w x * indicator A x).

Definition unif_score_meas {X} (s : R+) (μ : Meas X) : Meas X :=
  fun A => μ A * s.
Arguments unif_score_meas {_} _ _ _ /.

Lemmas about integrals

Tactic for showing f = g by pointwise equality of f and g.
Ltac integrand_extensionality x :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- _ = _ :> R+ ] => idtac
  | [ |- _ = _ :> Meas _ ] => let A := fresh "A" in extensionality A
  | [ |- _ = _ :> _ -> R+ ] => let A := fresh "A" in extensionality A
  refine (f_equal2 integration _ eq_refl);
  extensionality x.

Derive some more immediately useful forms of linearity.
Lemma integration_linear_mult_r :
  forall {A} (μ : Meas A) (s : R+) (f : A -> R+),
    integration f μ * s =
    integration (fun x => f x * s) μ.

  replace (integration f μ * s)
  with (s * integration f μ + 0 * integration f μ)
    by ring.

  rewrite integration_linear.
  integrand_extensionality x.

Lemma integration_linear_mult_l :
  forall {A} (μ : Meas A) (s : R+) (f : A -> R+),
    s * integration f μ =
    integration (fun x => s * f x) μ.
  rewrite ennr_mul_comm.
  rewrite integration_linear_mult_r.
  integrand_extensionality x.

Lemma integration_linear_in_meas {A B} (μ : Meas A) (s : R+) (f : A -> Meas B) :
  (fun ev => s * μ ev) >>= f =
  (fun ev => s * (μ >>= f) ev).
  extensionality ev.
  setoid_rewrite riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration.
  rewrite <- integration_linear_mult_l.

Lemma integration_of_0 :
  forall {A} (μ : Meas A),
    integration (fun _ => 0) μ = 0.
  replace 0 with (0 * 0) by ring.
  rewrite <- integration_linear_mult_r.

Some lemmas about integrating by the new measures
Lemma integration_of_pushforward {A B} (g : A -> B) f μ :
  integration (f g) μ = integration f (pushforward μ g).
  setoid_rewrite riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration.
  unfold pushforward, preimage, compose.

Lemma bind_empty {A B} f :
  empty_meas A >>= f = empty_meas B.
  extensionality ev.
  setoid_rewrite riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration.
  unfold empty_meas.
  apply integration_of_0.

Lemma bind_meas_option {A B} μ (f : A -> Meas B) :
  meas_option μ >>= f =
  μ >>= (fun x ev => option0 (flip f ev <$> x)).
  extensionality ev.
  setoid_rewrite riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration.
  integrand_extensionality t.
  unfold meas_option.
  extensionality x.
  destruct x; cbn; auto.
  destruct ennr_gt_dec; auto.
  contradict e.
  destruct t; cbn; auto.
  apply RIneq.Rle_not_lt.

The remaining two monad laws for SRel+

Lemma meas_id_left {A B} b (f : A -> Meas B) :
  dirac b >>= f = f b.
  extensionality ev.
  unfold ">>=".
  unfold dirac.
  rewrite riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration.
  setoid_rewrite integration_of_indicator.
  apply lebesgue_pos_measure_interval.

Lemma meas_id_right {A} (μ : Meas A) :
  μ >>= dirac = μ.
  extensionality ev.
  apply integration_of_indicator.

Definition meas_join {A} (μ : Meas (Meas A)) : Meas A := μ >>= id.
Definition kernel A B := A -> Meas B.

Measures that may be safely interchanged

Tonelli's theorem will be too restricted to be of immediate use in dealing with some of our measures. We will need to prove a wider class of measures than just sigma-finite ones can be involved in an integral interchange.
Class interchangable {A B} (μa : Meas A) (μb : Meas B) : Prop :=
  interchange : (forall {C} (f : A -> B -> Meas C),
                    μa >>= (fun a => μb >>= (fun b => f a b)) =
                    μb >>= (fun b => μa >>= (fun a => f a b))).

interchangable is a symmetric relation. Unfortunately we can't use the Symmetry typeclass because it's a relation between different types.
Definition interchangable_sym {A B} (μa : Meas A) (μb : Meas B) :
  interchangable μa μb ->
  interchangable μb μa.
  repeat intro.
  apply H.

Instance sigma_finite_is_interchangable {A B} (μa : Meas A) (μb : Meas B) :
  KnownToBeSigmaFinite μa ->
  KnownToBeSigmaFinite μb ->
  interchangable μa μb.
  repeat intro.
  extensionality ev.
  apply tonelli_sigma_finite; auto.

Instance score_meas_interchangable {X} (μ : Meas X) (w : X -> R+) :
  forall {Y} (μy : Meas Y),
    interchangable μ μy ->
    interchangable (score_meas w μ) μy.
  repeat intro.

  setoid_rewrite meas_bind_assoc.
  rewrite <- H; auto.

  extensionality A.
  integrand_extensionality x.

  rewrite integration_linear_in_meas.
  setoid_rewrite integration_linear_in_meas.
  setoid_rewrite <- integration_linear_mult_l.
  fold (dirac x).
  rewrite meas_id_left.
  integrand_extensionality y.
  rewrite meas_id_left.

Instance pushforward_interchangable {X Y} (μ : Meas X) (f : X -> Y) :
  forall {Z} (μz : Meas Z),
    interchangable μ μz ->
    interchangable (pushforward μ f) μz.
  repeat intro.

  unfold ">>=".

  setoid_rewrite <- (integration_of_pushforward f).

  extensionality ev.
  change ((μ >>= (fun x => μz >>= (fun z => (f0 f) x z))) ev =
          (μz >>= (fun z => μ >>= (fun x => (f0 f) x z))) ev).
  rewrite H; auto.

Instance meas_option_interchangable {X} (μ : Meas (option X)) :
  forall {Y} (μy : Meas Y),
    interchangable μ μy ->
    interchangable (meas_option μ) μy.
  repeat intro.

  setoid_rewrite bind_meas_option.
  rewrite <- H; auto.

  extensionality ev.
  integrand_extensionality o.

  destruct o; cbn; auto.
  setoid_rewrite integration_of_0.

Lemma bind_interchangable {X Z} (μ : Meas X) (f : X -> Meas Z) :
  forall {Y} (μy : Meas Y),
    interchangable μ μy ->
    (forall x, interchangable (f x) μy) ->
    interchangable (μ >>= f) μy.
  repeat intro.
  setoid_rewrite meas_bind_assoc.
  rewrite <- H.

  extensionality x.

  apply H0.

Other lemmas

Use the fact that μEntropy is a probability measure to lift constant functions out of integrals.
Lemma integration_const_entropy :
  forall (v : R+)
         (f : Entropy -> R+),
    (forall x, f x = v) ->
    integration f μEntropy = v.
  replace f with (fun x => f x * 1) by (extensionality x; ring).
  setoid_rewrite H.
  rewrite <- integration_linear_mult_l.
  replace (fun _ => _) with (@indicator Entropy full_event) by auto.
  rewrite integration_of_indicator.
  rewrite μEntropy_is_a_probability_measure.

Repharse integration_πL_πR in terms of >>=
Lemma bind_πL_πR {B} (g : Entropy -> Entropy -> Meas B) :
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ => g (πL σ) (πR σ)) =
  μEntropy >>= (fun σL => μEntropy >>= (fun σR => g σL σR)).
  extensionality ev.
  unfold ">>=".
  rewrite <- integration_πL_πR.

Apply bind_πL_πR thrice in a convenient-to-use manner
Lemma pick_3_and_leftover {B}
      (g : Entropy -> Entropy -> Entropy -> Entropy -> Meas B) :
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ => g (π 0 σ) (π 1 σ) (π 2 σ) (π_leftover 3 σ)) =
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ0 =>
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ1 =>
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ2 =>
  μEntropy >>= (fun σR =>
                  g σ0 σ1 σ2 σR)))).
  unfold π, π_leftover.

  extensionality A.

    ((μEntropy >>=
               (fun σ0 =>
                  μEntropy >>=
                           (fun σ =>
                              g σ0 (πL σ) (πL (πR σ)) (πR (πR σ))))) A). {
    rewrite <- bind_πL_πR.

  integrand_extensionality σ0.
    ((μEntropy >>=
               (fun σ1 =>
                  μEntropy >>=
                           (fun σ => g σ0 σ1 (πL σ) (πR σ)))) A). {
    rewrite <- bind_πL_πR.

  integrand_extensionality σ1.
  rewrite <- bind_πL_πR.

Even more convenient ways to apply bind_πL_πR! These are very similar to what the evaluation relation will look like, and will be easily be applied there.
Lemma pick_3_entropies {B}
      (g : Entropy -> Entropy -> Entropy -> Meas B) :
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ => g (π 0 σ) (π 1 σ) (π 2 σ)) =
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ0 =>
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ1 =>
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ2 =>
                  g σ0 σ1 σ2))).
  rewrite (pick_3_and_leftover (fun (σ0 σ1 σ2 σR : Entropy) => g σ0 σ1 σ2)).

  extensionality A.

  integrand_extensionality σ0.
  integrand_extensionality σ1.
  integrand_extensionality σ2.
  setoid_rewrite integration_const_entropy; auto.

Lemma pick_2_entropies {B}
      (g : Entropy -> Entropy -> Meas B) :
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ => g (π 0 σ) (π 1 σ)) =
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ0 =>
  μEntropy >>= (fun σ1 =>
                  g σ0 σ1)).
  rewrite (pick_3_entropies (fun (σ0 σ1 σ2 : Entropy) => g σ0 σ1)).

  extensionality A.

  integrand_extensionality σ0.
  integrand_extensionality σ1.
  setoid_rewrite integration_const_entropy; auto.

Lemma 5 in paper
Lemma coarsening :
  forall {X}
         (M : relation (Event X))
         (μ0 μ1 : Meas X)
         (f0 f1 : X -> R+)
         (μs_agree : forall A0 A1, M A0 A1 -> μ0 A0 = μ1 A1)
         (f_is_M_measurable :
            forall (B : Event R+),
              M (preimage f0 B) (preimage f1 B)),
    integration f0 μ0 = integration f1 μ1.
  setoid_rewrite riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration.

  integrand_extensionality t.
  apply μs_agree.

  specialize (f_is_M_measurable (fun fx => bool_of_dec (ennr_gt_dec fx t))).
  unfold preimage in f_is_M_measurable.
  exact f_is_M_measurable.

Lemma coarsening' :
  forall {X0 X1}
         (M : Event X0 -> Event X1 -> Prop)
         (μ0 : Meas X0)
         (μ1 : Meas X1)
         (f0 : X0 -> R+)
         (f1 : X1 -> R+)
         (μs_agree : forall A0 A1, M A0 A1 -> μ0 A0 = μ1 A1)
         (f_is_M_measurable :
            forall (B : Event R+),
              M (preimage f0 B) (preimage f1 B)),
    integration f0 μ0 = integration f1 μ1.
  setoid_rewrite riemann_def_of_lebesgue_integration.

  integrand_extensionality t.
  apply μs_agree.

  specialize (f_is_M_measurable (fun fx => bool_of_dec (ennr_gt_dec fx t))).
  unfold preimage in f_is_M_measurable.
  exact f_is_M_measurable.